Preparation Guidance and Template for the Creation of What We're Learning (WWL) Slides

What we're learning (WWL) slide sets are intended to provide easily accessible information for NASA Program Managers and the ABoVE Leadership Team to share with broad audiences at professional meetings and, in some cases, internal NASA Earth Science Division briefings. As such, please try to provide compelling and clear (uncomplicated) graphics accompanied by a limited amount of text highlighting what the Overview, Approach and Results slides are showing. Additional information to help the presenter should be provided in the Notes field.

WWL slide sets differ from NASA HQ Monthly Status Review (MSR) slides (also referred to as Quad Charts). MSR slides are used by Program Managers for quick overviews of new work coming out of their programs, reporting internally to other NASA program managers and administrators. As such, MSR slides have a separate format and are intended to reach a different audience than WWL slide sets, which are more appropriate for presentation to an audience at professional meetings (e.g. AGU, AMS, EGU, ESA, etc).

PPTX Template

(Download pptx)