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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Paula Coble
(updated: 29-Jul-2016)
Address: University of South Florida
College of Marine Science
140 7th Ave. S
St. Petersburg FL 33701
Phone: 727-553-1631
Related URL(s):

CMS Group Participation:

Group Participation:

Carbon North America (CarboNA):

CarboNA Email List
CarboNA-15 (Project Lead)

North American Carbon Program (NACP):

2009 NACP Breakout Chairs
2009 NACP Meeting Participants
2011 NACP/AmeriFlux Meeting Registrants
2013 NACP Meeting Registrants
CarboNA Email List
CarboNA-15 (Project Lead)
Coastal Synthesis - All
Coastal Synthesis - Arctic (including Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas)
Coastal Synthesis - East Coast (including Gulf of Maine)
Coastal Synthesis - Gulf of Mexico (Coordinator)
Coastal Synthesis - West Coast (including Gulf of Alaska)
Interim Synthesis Coordinators
NACP Broad Mailing List
NACP Project Participants
Osburn (2009) (Co-Investigator)
Synthesis: Coastal (Project Lead)

NASA Ocean Biology & Biogeochemistry (OBB):

Coble (2010) (Project Lead)
OBB All Email List
OBB Project Participants

NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems (CCE):

2008 CCE JSW - Breakout Chairs
2008 CCE JSW Registrants
2011 CCE JSW Registrants