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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Ramakrishna (Rama) Nemani
(updated: 14-Mar-2014)
Address: NASA ARC
MS 242-4
Moffett Field CA 94035
Phone: 650-604-6185
Related URL(s):

CMS Project Participation:  
Project Title:Role
Saatchi (CMS 2011): Prototyping MRV Systems Based on Systematic and Spatial Estimates of Carbon Stock and Stock Changes of Forestlands (view profile)Co-Investigator (Science Team Member)
Masek-Nemani-Saatchi-Tucker (2009): NASA CMS Pilot Projects: Biomass and Carbon Storage (view profile)Project Lead (Science Team Member)
Saatchi (CMS 2011): Prototyping MRV Systems Based on Systematic and Spatial Estimates of Carbon Stock and Stock Changes of Forestlands (view profile)Co-Investigator
Ganguly (CMS 2014): Reducing Uncertainties in Satellite-Derived Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimates Using a High Resolution Forest Cover Map (view profile)Co-Investigator (Science Team Member)
Hurtt (CMS 2016): High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment to Regional and National Scales (view profile)Collaborator
Izaurralde (CMS 2015): Cropland Carbon Monitoring System (CCMS): A satellite-based system to estimate carbon fluxes on U.S. Croplands (view profile)Collaborator
Vargas (CMS 2016): Carbon monitoring systems across Mexico to support implementation of REDD+: maximizing benefits and knowledge (view profile)Co-Investigator
Vargas (CMS 2020): Carbon monitoring system across Mexico: continued development and application at the national scale (view profile)Collaborator
Hurtt (CMS 2020): High-Resolution Forest Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment to National and Global Scales and Science Team Lead (view profile)Collaborator

CMS Group Participation:
CMS 2010 Scoping Study Workshop Invitee
CMS 2010 Scoping Study Workshop Participants
CMS 2011 & 2013 Leads and Science Team Members Email List
CMS 2011 & 2013 Projects
CMS 2011 Leads and Science Team Members
CMS 2011 Projects
CMS 2014 All
CMS 2014 Leads and Science Team Members
CMS 2014 Projects
CMS 2015 All
CMS 2015 Projects
CMS 2016 All
CMS 2016 Projects
CMS Access to Filesharing and Email Lists
CMS Biomass June 2011 Team Meeting Invited & Participants/Fileshare
CMS Biomass Pilot Study Center Leads (Project Lead)
CMS Biomass Pilot Study Participants
CMS Biomass Pilot Study Participants (Project Lead)
CMS Flux July 2011 Team Meeting Filesharing
CMS Phase 1 Leads
CMS Phase 2 Science Team Members
CMS SDT March 2011 Meeting Invited & Participants/Fileshare
CMS SDT Sept. 2011 Meeting File Sharing
CMS-1 All Participants

Other Group Participation:

NASA Applied Sciences (APPLIED):

Morisette (BIOCLIM 2010) (Co-Investigator)
WANG (DECISIONS 2008) (Co-Investigator)

NASA Biological Diversity & Ecological Conservation (BDEC):

BDEC All Email List
Jetz (BIOCLIM 2010) (Co-Investigator)
Morisette (BIOCLIM 2010) (Co-Investigator)
WANG (DECISIONS 2008) (Co-Investigator)

Carbon North America (CarboNA):

2007 US AND Joint Meeting Participants

NASA Applied Sciences Ecological Conservation (ECON):

Morisette (BIOCLIM 2010) (Co-Investigator)
WANG (DECISIONS 2008) (Co-Investigator)

NASA Land-Cover & Land-Use Change (LCLUC):

Goetz (LCLUC 2008) (Co-Investigator)

North American Carbon Program (NACP):

2005 Roster List of People Interested in NACP
2007 US AND Joint Meeting Participants
2007 US NACP Invited Speaker
2007 US NACP Meeting Participants
AmeriFlux investigators (June 2010)
AmeriFlux investigators (March 2012)
Goward (CARBON 2010) (Co-Investigator)
Interim Synthesis - Regional-Continental Participants
Kimball (TE 2008) (Co-Investigator)
NACP Broad Mailing List
NACP Project Participants
Nemani (NACP 2005) (Project Lead)
Nemani (TE 2007) (Project Lead)
Turner (TE 2008) (Co-Investigator)

NASA Terrestrial Ecology (TE):

Goward (CARBON 2010) (Co-Investigator)
Kimball (TE 2008) (Co-Investigator)
Nemani (NACP 2005) (Project Lead)
Nemani (TE 2007) (Project Lead)
TE 2010 Meeting Registrants
TE 2013 Meeting Registrants
TE 2019 STM Invite
TE All Email List
Turner (TE 2008) (Co-Investigator)

NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems (CCE):

2006 JSW Participants
2008 CCE JSW Registrants
2011 CCE JSW Invited speakers
2011 CCE JSW Registrants
2011 CCE JSW Syn & Data speakers
2014 Biodiversity & Ecological Forecasting Funded Projects