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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

George Hurtt
(updated: 26-Jul-2024)
Address: University of Maryland
College Park MD

CMS Working Group(s):
CMS WG Biomass
CMS WG Methane
CMS WG Stakeholder
CMS WG Uncertainties
CMS WG Wet Carbon

CMS Project Participation:  
Project Title:Role
Masek-Nemani-Saatchi-Tucker (2009): NASA CMS Pilot Projects: Biomass and Carbon Storage (view profile)Participant
Dubayah (CMS 2011): High Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: A CMS Phase 2 Study (view profile)Co-Investigator (Science Team Member)
Hurtt (CMS 2014): High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continuing Prototype Development and Deployment (view profile)Project Lead (Science Team Member)
Dubayah (CMS 2013): Development of a Prototype MRV System to Support Carbon Ecomarket Infrastructure in Sonoma County (view profile)Co-Investigator (Science Team Member)
Ott (CMS 2016): GEOS-Carb III: Delivering mature carbon flux and concentration datasets in support of NASA's Carbon Monitoring System (view profile)Collaborator
Hurtt (CMS 2016): High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment to Regional and National Scales (view profile)Project Lead (Science Team Member)
Poulter (CMS 2018): Continuation of CMS Applications Efforts: Stakeholder Engagement and Socioeconomic Studies on the Value of CMS Data Products for User Organizations (view profile)Co-Investigator (Science Team Member)
Kawa (CMS 2015): Airborne Eddy Flux Measurements for Validation/Evaluation of High-Resolution MRV Systems (view profile)Co-Investigator
Izaurralde (CMS 2015): Cropland Carbon Monitoring System (CCMS): A satellite-based system to estimate carbon fluxes on U.S. Croplands (view profile)Co-Investigator
Escobar (CMS 2015): CMS Applications: Stakeholder Engagement and Analysis of CMS Data Products in Decision Making and Policy Frameworks (view profile)Collaborator
Sedano (CMS 2016): Forest degradation driven by charcoal production: characterization, quantification and forecasting to improve carbon monitoring systems in southern Africa (view profile)Co-Investigator
Chatterjee (CMS 2018): Synthesis, Reconciliation and Assessment of CMS Prototype Products (view profile)Co-Investigator (Science Team Member)
Hannun (CMS 2020): Linking Forest Biomass and Carbon Exchange Using LiDAR-Derived Forest Structure and Airborne Flux Observations (view profile)Co-Investigator (Science Team Member)
Ott (CMS 2020): GEOS-Carb IV: Delivering low-latency carbon flux and concentration datasets in support of NASA's Carbon Monitoring System (view profile)Collaborator
Hurtt (CMS 2020): High-Resolution Forest Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment to National and Global Scales and Science Team Lead (view profile)Project Lead (Science Team Member)
Bandaru (CMS 2020): Improving, Evaluating, and Extending Satellite-Based High Resolution Cropland Carbon Monitoring System (view profile)Co-Investigator
Rousseaux (CMS 2022): Integrating lateral carbon fluxes into CMS ocean carbon estimates (view profile)Co-Investigator

Other CMS Group Participation:
CMS 2011 & 2013 Leads (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2011 & 2013 Leads and Science Team Members Email List (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2011 & 2013 Projects
CMS 2011 Leads and Science Team Members (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2011 Projects
CMS 2013 All (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2013 Leads (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2013 Leads and Science Team Members (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2013 Nov Meeting Participants
CMS 2013 Projects
CMS 2014 All (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2014 Leads (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2014 Leads and Science Team Members (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2014 Projects
CMS 2015 All (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2015 Leads (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2015 Leads and Science Team Members (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2015 Projects
CMS 2016 All (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2016 Fall Invite
CMS 2016 Leads (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2016 Leads and Science Team Members (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2016 Projects
CMS 2018 All (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2018 Leads and Science Team Members (Science Team Leader)
CMS 2018 Projects
CMS 2019 STM Participants
CMS 2020 STM Planning Committee
CMS 2021 STM Planning Committee
CMS 2022 Meeting Registrants
CMS 2022 Projects
CMS 2023 Meeting Registrants
CMS Access to Filesharing and Email Lists
CMS Biomass June 2011 Team Meeting Invited & Participants/Fileshare
CMS Biomass Pilot Study Participants
CMS Flux July 2011 Team Meeting Filesharing
CMS Leads (past and current) (Project Lead)
CMS Management and Support
CMS Past Working Groups
CMS Phase 2 Science Team Members (Science Team Leader)
CMS SDT March 2011 Meeting Invited & Participants/Fileshare
CMS SDT Sept. 2011 Meeting File Sharing
CMS WG (Past) Data/ Data Management
CMS WG (Past) Algorithm Assessment/Inter-comparisons
CMS WG (Past) Atmospheric Validation
CMS WG (Past) Biomass-Flux
CMS WG (Past) Capability Risk
CMS WG (Past) External Communications
CMS WG (Past) MRV 2013-2019
CMS WG (Past) MRV 2020-2022
CMS WG (Past) Methane
CMS WG (Past) Responsiveness
CMS WG (Past) System Framework
CMS WG (Past) Uncertainties
CMS WG (Past) Uncertainties/Algorithm Assessment/Inter-comparisons
CMS-1 All Participants

Other Group Participation:

NASA Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE):

ABoVE All Email List

NASA Biological Diversity & Ecological Conservation (BDEC):

BDEC All Email List
Dubayah (IDS 2003)

Carbon North America (CarboNA):

2007 US AND Joint Meeting Participants

International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS-17):

IWGGMS Local Committee

North American Carbon Program (NACP):

2005 Roster List of People Interested in NACP
2007 US AND Joint Meeting Participants
2007 US NACP Meeting Participants
2011 NACP/AmeriFlux Meeting Registrants
2013 AIM4 Breakout Chairs
2013 NACP Meeting Registrants
2015 NACP and AmeriFlux Meeting Registrants
2015 NACP Meeting Registrants
2017 NACP/AmeriFlux Meeting Registrants
2021 NACP OSM OSS Speakers
2021 NACP OSM Registrants
Chambers (2006) (Co-Investigator)
Disturbance Synthesis - All
Disturbance Synthesis - WG 1: Quantifying forest disturbances
Disturbance Synthesis - WG 1b: Quantifying Fire
Disturbance Synthesis - WG 1c: Quantifying Storm Damage
Disturbance Synthesis - WG 3: Modeling the impacts of forest disturbances on carbon cycling
Disturbance Synthesis - WG 4: Assessing the impacts of long-term disturbances on terrestrial carbon cycling
Disturbance Synthesis - WG 4a: Woody encroachment in the western U.S.
Dubayah (IDS 2003)
Dubayah (TE 2007) (Co-Investigator)
Huang (TE 2008) (Co-Investigator)
Hurtt (IDS 2009) (Project Lead)
Hurtt (TE 2009) (Project Lead)
NACP Broad Mailing List
NACP Project Participants

NASA Ocean Biology & Biogeochemistry (OBB):

OBB All Email List
OBB Project Participants

NASA Terrestrial Ecology (TE):

Dubayah (IDS 2003)
Dubayah (TE 2007) (Co-Investigator)
Huang (TE 2008) (Co-Investigator)
Hurtt (IDS 2009) (Project Lead)
Hurtt (TE 2009) (Project Lead)
TE 2011 Science Team Meeting Registrants
TE 2013 Meeting Breakout Chairs
TE 2013 Meeting Committee
TE 2013 Meeting Plenary Speakers
TE 2013 Meeting Registrants
TE 2019 Participant Message Board
TE 2019 STM Committee
TE 2019 STM Invite
TE 2019 STM Speakers
TE All Email List
TE WG Modeling (Chair)
TE WG Vegetation Structure

NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems (CCE):

2006 JSW Breakout Chairs
2006 JSW Participants
2011 CCE JSW Planning Committee
2011 CCE JSW Registrants
2015 JSW Registrants
Hurtt (NESSF 2009) (Project Lead)