CCE banner

Peter Griffith
(updated: 23-May-2024)
Address: NASA GSFC
Greenbelt MD
Phone: 4438389064

CCE Project Participation:  
Project Title:Role
ABoVE Airborne Campaign Management & Data Products (view profile)Project Lead
CMS Applications: Stakeholder Engagement and Analysis of CMS Data Products in Decision Making and Policy Frameworks (view profile)Collaborator
Continuation of CMS Applications Efforts: Stakeholder Engagement and Socioeconomic Studies on the Value of CMS Data Products for User Organizations (view profile)Collaborator
Metadata collection from the 2009 field campaign to estimate forest biophysical parameters in support of the DESDynI mission (view profile)Participant
Software tools, middleware, and data systems useful for Interim Synthesis Activities (view profile)Project Lead

CCE Group Participation:
2006 JSW Participants
2008 CCE JSW Planning Committee
2008 CCE JSW Registrants
2009 VurSAL Workshop Participants (Fairbanks, Alaska)
2011 CCE JSW Invited speakers
2011 CCE JSW Planning Committee
2011 CCE JSW Registrants
2015 CCE JSW Planning Committee
2015 JSW Registrants
ABoVE Management and Staff
ABoVE SDT Inventory Working Group for Field Opportunities
ABoVE Science Definition Team (Ex Officio)
BDEC All Email List
BDEC CCEO Management and Support
CC&E Office Staff
CMS 2010 Scoping Study Workshop Invitee
CMS 2010 Scoping Study Workshop Participants
CMS 2013 Nov Meeting Participants
CMS 2015 All
CMS 2015 Projects
CMS 2016 Fall Invite
CMS Access to Filesharing and Email Lists
CMS Biomass June 2011 Team Meeting Invited & Participants/Fileshare
CMS Biomass Pilot Study Center Leads (Project Lead)
CMS Biomass Pilot Study Participants
CMS Biomass Pilot Study Participants (Project Lead)
CMS Flux July 2011 Team Meeting Filesharing
CMS Flux Pilot Study Center Leads (Project Lead)
CMS Flux Pilot Study Participants
CMS Flux Pilot Study Participants (Project Lead)
CMS Management and Support
CMS Past Working Groups
CMS Phase 1 Leads
CMS SDT March 2011 Meeting Invited & Participants/Fileshare
CMS SDT Sept. 2011 Meeting File Sharing
CMS Scoping Study Workshop Steering Committee
CMS WG (Past) Data/ Data Management
CMS WG (Past) External Communications
CMS WG Biomass
CMS WG Wet Carbon
CMS-1 All Participants
Field Ops
OBB EXPORTS SDT all (Ex Officio)
TE 2010 Meeting Planning Commitee
TE 2010 Meeting Registrants
TE 2010 Speakers
TE 2011 Science Team Meeting Registrants
TE 2013 Meeting Committee
TE 2013 Meeting Plenary Speakers
TE 2013 Meeting Registrants
TE 2019 STM Committee
TE All Email List
TE WG Airborne Science
TE WG Communicating our Science
TE WG Field Campaigns

Other Group Participation:

NASA Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE):

2009 VurSAL Workshop Participants (Fairbanks, Alaska)
ABoVE 2015 ASTM1 Registrants
ABoVE 2016 STM2 Invitees
ABoVE 2016 STM2 Registrants
ABoVE 2016 Whitehorse Invitees
ABoVE 2016 Yellowknife Invitees
ABoVE 2017 STM3 Registrants
ABoVE 2018 STM4 Invitees
ABoVE 2018 STM4 Organizing Committee
ABoVE 2018 STM4 Registrants
ABoVE 2019 STM Invite
ABoVE 2019 STM5 Organizing Committee
ABoVE 2019 STM5 Registrants
ABoVE 2020 STM6 Invite
ABoVE 2020 STM6 Organizing Committee
ABoVE 2021 Planning EMAIL List
ABoVE 2021 STM7 Presenters
ABoVE 2021 STM7 Registrants
ABoVE 2022 STM8 Organizing Committee
ABoVE 2023 STM9 Organizing Committee
ABoVE 2023 STM9 Registrants (all)
ABoVE 2024 Planning EMAIL List
ABoVE 2024 STM10 Registrants / Moderators / Presenters Email List
ABoVE Airborne Daily - EMAIL LIST
ABoVE Airborne Live Email
ABoVE Airborne Ops (Chief Support Scientist)
ABoVE Alaska Government Contacts Email List
ABoVE All Email List
ABoVE All Science Team Email List
ABoVE GMAO Weather - Email List
ABoVE Management and Staff
ABoVE NASA Currently Funded Project Leads (2022+) (Project Lead)
ABoVE NWT Webinar-interested
ABoVE Project Leads (2022+) (Project Lead)
ABoVE Project Leads (Project Lead)
ABoVE Science Definition Team (Ex Officio)
ABoVE Scoping Study Workshop (2012) Participants
ABoVE SDT Inventory Working Group for Field Opportunities
ABoVE Synthesis Carbon Group
ABoVE WG (Past) Ecosystem Services & Co-production
ABoVE WG (Past) Snowscapes
ABoVE WG Airborne Data (Chair)
ABoVE WG Airborne Science
ABoVE WG Carbon Dynamics
ABoVE WG Collaborations and Engagement
ABoVE WG Community Science
ABoVE WG Core Variables & Standards (Chair)
ABoVE WG Digital Elevation Models
ABoVE WG Disturbance
ABoVE WG Geospatial Products & Standards
ABoVE WG Hydrology, Permafrost & Wetlands
ABoVE WG Modeling Framework & Comparisons
ABoVE WG Planet Imagery Evaluation
ABoVE WG Radar Aboveground Woody Biomass
ABoVE WG Radar Active Layer-Deep Soil Moisture
ABoVE WG Radarsat
ABoVE WG SAR Cal/Val Data Synthesis
ABoVE WG Spectral Imaging
ABoVE WG Telecon Email List
ABoVE WG Vegetation Dynamics & Structure
ABoVE Yukon Science

NASA Biological Diversity & Ecological Conservation (BDEC):

BDEC All Email List
BDEC CCEO Management and Support

Carbon North America (CarboNA):

2007 Joint Carbon Meeting Invited Speaker
2007 Joint Carbon Meeting Participants
2007 Joint Meeting Committee
2007 US AND Joint Meeting Participants

NASA Carbon Monitoring System (CMS):

CMS 2010 Scoping Study Workshop Invitee
CMS 2010 Scoping Study Workshop Participants
CMS 2013 Nov Meeting Participants
CMS 2015 All
CMS 2015 Projects
CMS 2016 Fall Invite
CMS 2018 All
CMS 2018 Leads and Science Team Members
CMS 2018 Projects
CMS 2019 NCTS Registrants
CMS 2019 STM Participants
CMS 2020 STM Planning Committee
CMS 2021 STM Planning Committee
CMS 2022 Meeting Registrants
CMS 2023 Meeting Registrants
CMS Access to Filesharing and Email Lists
CMS Biomass June 2011 Team Meeting Invited & Participants/Fileshare
CMS Biomass Pilot Study Center Leads (Project Lead)
CMS Biomass Pilot Study Participants
CMS Biomass Pilot Study Participants (Project Lead)
CMS Flux July 2011 Team Meeting Filesharing
CMS Flux Pilot Study Center Leads (Project Lead)
CMS Flux Pilot Study Participants
CMS Flux Pilot Study Participants (Project Lead)
CMS Management and Support
CMS Past Working Groups
CMS Phase 1 Leads
CMS Scoping Study Workshop Steering Committee
CMS SDT March 2011 Meeting Invited & Participants/Fileshare
CMS SDT Sept. 2011 Meeting File Sharing
CMS WG (Past) Data/ Data Management
CMS WG (Past) External Communications
CMS WG (Past) Methane
CMS WG (Past) MRV 2020-2022
CMS WG Biomass
CMS WG Methane
CMS WG Stakeholder
CMS WG Uncertainties
CMS WG Wet Carbon
CMS-1 All Participants

International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS-17):

IWGGMS Local Committee
IWGGMS Program Committee

North American Carbon Program (NACP):

2006 Mid-Continent Intensive (MCI) Campaign 1st Science Team Meeting Registrants
2007 Joint Carbon Meeting Invited Speaker
2007 Joint Carbon Meeting Participants
2007 Joint Meeting Committee
2007 US AND Joint Meeting Participants
2007 US Meeting Committee
2007 US NACP Invited Speaker
2007 US NACP Meeting Participants
2009 Meeting Organizers
2009 NACP Meeting Participants
2011 NACP Meeting Committee
2011 NACP/AmeriFlux Meeting Registrants
2013 Data Management Workshop Registrants
2013 NACP Meeting Planning Committee
2013 NACP Meeting Registrants
2015 NACP and AmeriFlux Meeting Registrants
2015 NACP Data Workshop Registrants
2015 NACP Meeting Planning Committee
2015 NACP Meeting Registrants
2017 NACP/AmeriFlux Meeting Registrants
2021 NACP OSM Registrants
AmeriFlux investigators (June 2010)
AmeriFlux investigators (March 2012)
Coastal Synthesis - All
Coastal Synthesis - Arctic (including Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas)
Coastal Synthesis - East Coast (including Gulf of Maine)
Coastal Synthesis - Great Lakes
Coastal Synthesis - Gulf of Mexico
Coastal Synthesis - West Coast (including Gulf of Alaska)
Disturbance Synthesis 2009 Workshop Participants
Interim Synthesis - Inverse Modelers (Regional-Continental)
Interim Synthesis - Mid-Continent Intensive
Interim Synthesis - non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases
Interim Synthesis - Regional-Continental Core Group
Interim Synthesis - Regional-Continental Participants
Interim Synthesis - Site Core Group
Interim Synthesis - Site-Level Participants
Interim Synthesis Coordinators
IWG Office Subcommittee
MCI Coordination
Mid-Continent Intensive (MCI) - 2007 Synthesis
NACP Broad Mailing List
NACP Project Participants
Synthesis - MsTMIP
Synthesis: Coastal (Project Lead)
Synthesis: Site-Level
Uncertainty Working Group

NASA Ocean Biology & Biogeochemistry (OBB):

OBB All Email List
OBB EXPORTS SDT all (Ex Officio)
OBB Field Campaign Committee

NASA Terrestrial Ecology (TE):

TE 2010 Meeting Planning Commitee
TE 2010 Meeting Registrants
TE 2010 Speakers
TE 2011 Science Team Meeting Registrants
TE 2013 Meeting Committee
TE 2013 Meeting Plenary Speakers
TE 2013 Meeting Registrants
TE 2019 Participant Message Board
TE 2019 STM Committee
TE 2019 STM Invite
TE 2019 STM Speakers
TE All Email List
TE WG Airborne Science
TE WG Communicating our Science
TE WG Field Campaigns