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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Yaxing Wei
(updated: 03-May-2024)
Address: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge TN 37831

CMS Group Participation:

Group Participation:

NASA Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE):

ABoVE 2020 STM6 Invite
ABoVE 2021 Planning EMAIL List
ABoVE 2021 STM7 Registrants
ABoVE 2023 STM9 Organizing Committee
ABoVE 2023 STM9 Registrants (all)
ABoVE 2024 Planning EMAIL List
ABoVE 2024 STM10 Registrants / Moderators / Presenters Email List
ABoVE Airborne Daily - EMAIL LIST
ABoVE All Email List
ABoVE All Science Team Email List
ABoVE WG Airborne Data
ABoVE WG Core Variables & Standards
ABoVE WG Geospatial Products & Standards
ABoVE WG Radar Aboveground Woody Biomass
ABoVE WG Radar Active Layer-Deep Soil Moisture
ABoVE WG Radar Wetlands and Surface Soil Moisture
ABoVE WG SAR Cal/Val Data Synthesis
ABoVE WG Spectral Imaging
ABoVE WG Telecon Email List

North American Carbon Program (NACP):

2011 NACP/AmeriFlux Meeting Registrants
2013 Data Management Workshop Registrants
2013 NACP Meeting Registrants
2013 Third MsTMIP Workshop Registrants
2015 NACP and AmeriFlux Meeting Registrants
2015 NACP Data Workshop Registrants
2015 NACP Meeting Registrants
2017 NACP/AmeriFlux Data Workshop Registrants
2017 NACP/AmeriFlux Meeting Registrants
2021 NACP OSM Data Workshop Registrants
2021 NACP OSM Registrants
Cook (NACP 2005)
Huntzinger (CARBON 2013) (Co-Investigator)
Interim Synthesis - Regional-Continental Participants
Mid-Continent Intensive (MCI) Science Team
NACP Broad Mailing List
NACP Project Participants
NACP Science Leadership Group (SLG)
SLG May 2016 Meeting Fiile Sharing
SLG May 2017 Meeting File Sharing
SSG March 2015 Meeting File Sharing
Synthesis - MsTMIP
Thornton (2020) (Co-Investigator)

NASA Terrestrial Ecology (TE):

Cook (NACP 2005)
Huntzinger (CARBON 2013) (Co-Investigator)
TE 2013 Meeting Registrants
TE All Email List

NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems (CCE):

2011 CCE JSW Registrants
2015 JSW Registrants